Friday, December 04, 2009

What do I know?

I am writing a story for Summy (don't ask, it's a long story). As I finish a chapter, I read it to her.

So I was reading the first chapter, and I came to this line I wrote. A little girl is thinking it: "Mother knows a lot of things, but most of the time she does not know what I am talking about. A lot of grown-ups are like that." I was surprised by how vigorously she nodded and agreed.

I had just written down what I remember thinking when I was a kid. I did not realize that Summy thought it too. History apparently does repeat itself.


d said...

please please please?
for my kids?
since i'll never write one?
and since i faithfully come read your blog even if you don't write in it?

Aparna said...

If I finish it, you'll be the first one I'll mail it to.

I'm lucky to have you coming back, d. I did not expect to post after a gap of months and have comments the next day.
