Thursday, March 31, 2005

Two years old!

Our little peanut is now a little girl. We celebrated her birthday by doing the things she loves to do (eating pizza, playing in the park, and so on).

Her sunsign is Aries. I don't like to believe in sun signs, and I especially didn't like it when I thought of my daughter being born in March. I knew ONE very obnoxious person who was an Aries. So when I found my due date, I was resolved that I would stop believing in zodiac signs and being afraid that my child would have the same characteristics of this other person. Would I identify with my baby? How could I, if she was so different from me? Turns out she is indeed different from me. She is independent, outgoing, and a leader rather than a follower. She does her own thing, which while difficult in a toddler, is probably a good thing when she is a grown up. But ofcourse, as all you parents reading this know, I identify with her because she's my daughter :) I wouldn't do the same things she does, but I do admire her own strong personality. How silly of me to have worried about my daughter being born in a sun sign I was afraid of.

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